Since 2024, the Recorder Festival Days have been organized by the non-profit association Flauto Dolce e.V., which has now taken over as the official organizer of the festival.
The association is represented in all festival matters by its artistic director and first chairperson, Maurice Steger, deputy chairperson Annabelle Steiger, and treasurer Benjamin Mossop.
This marks an important and significant step forward for the Recorder Festival Days.
You can find all the details about this development in the interview below.
The new host of the festival:
We invited Maurice Steger, the artistic director of the Recorder Days, for an interview and talked to him about the major changes that have occurred since the 38th edition of the festival last year.
Flauto Dolce:
This year, we are already celebrating the 39th edition of the Recorder Days, and since the early years, there have been significant developments and changes. Without a doubt, without the idea and the longstanding commitment of Eva and Wilhelm Becker, there would be no Recorder Days. In 2017, the Becker couple handed over the festival to you, Mr. Steger, due to their age. Since then, together with Silke and Joachim Kunath, who initially got involved as organizers and then also as promoters with great dedication, you have carried and further developed the festival.
After three more years together in Stockstadt, your trio was then faced with two major challenges: Corona and the relocation of the festival. Corona posed entirely new technical challenges for the festival. Thanks to the tireless efforts of the Kunath couple, the Recorder Days were able to grow and evolve in these very difficult times for so many festivals.
Maurice Steger:
During the profound Corona pause, the Kunaths demonstrated real strength, innovation, and creativity. Our trio organized a digital festival in 2021, benefiting greatly from Jos’ technical skills, and together we made the far-reaching decision to leave Stockstadt.
We all miss the great atmosphere in the Altrheinhallen, but the site has long been in need of renovation. Furthermore, there were overlapping rental agreements with sports events during the festival period, making it impossible for us to continue the festival at this location. After Darmstadt, Rüsselsheim, Stockstadt am Rhein, Bad Kissingen became the new venue for the festival. I sincerely thank Jo and Katze for their great spirit of innovation and their tremendous effort for the relocation – I couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you!
Flauto Dolce:
The first two editions in Bad Kissingen were successful, and in 2023, another significant change was made to enable further growth of the festival: the non-profit association Flauto Dolce e.V. was founded.
The crucial decisions were made by Silke and Joachim Kunath and you as the founding board of the association. In spring 2024, the Kunath couple decided to step down from their duties in the board work, thus handing over the organization of the event series to new hands.
Maurice Steger:
Congratulations to you both for now being able to focus on your plans within the Kunath Group with full energy, making your customers even happier.
Flauto Dolce:
Following the elections in spring 2024, the new board of Flauto Dolce e.V. now consists of you, Mr. Steger, as chairman, along with your two new board colleagues Benjamin Mossop (Treasurer) and Annabelle Steiger (Deputy Chairman), who, together with you, will now embark on new paths.
Maurice Steger:
Welcome to the board, dear Annabelle and dear Ben. For many years, you have been closely associated with the Recorder Days (Annabelle has been managing ticketing and the artistic operations office since Bad Kissingen, and Ben has been responsible for everything visible in print or on the web for the festival since 2018), and now a new adventure begins: the future host of the Recorder Days Bad Kissingen is the non-profit association Flauto Dolce e.V.
Dear Katze and dear Jo: a thousand thanks for your years of dedication to the recorder, the community, the festival, the people, and the music – I am happy that we will continue to meet at the Recorder Days, the place of encounter and joy for the recorder and its music. THANK YOU!
Flauto Dolce:
Dear Katze, dear Jo, we are delighted that you will remain warmly connected to our association as members and look forward to many more festival editions with you!!!